2008年11月20日 星期四

Reaction Article #7
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According to Ruth La Ferla in “That Dress? Everyone Has an Opinion,” Michelle Obama wore a red-and-black sheath to the stage on Tuesday night. People put focus on her dress and have different opinions. Some of them thought that it was a charming dress, but the others said it was a terrible look.

In my opinion, people put too much focus on her look instead of Obama’s victory speech. I know there are many political celebrities who spend much money in hiring personal stylist in order to attract viewer’s focus easily. Actually, public may prefer them using these money in helping the poor. It is not so important that whether they are dressing fashionable or not. What people really care is their contribution to America.

Besides, I think the comments were just so mean to her and she had made a right choice. It is good for her to choose an American designer frock. Especially red is an American color and it represents the spirit of American, passion and freedom. However, she just has to be who she is and choose what is right for herself. I look forward to see how she works in the white house.
